Ezekiel 23; Ezekiel 21:18-32; Ezekiel 24; Ezekiel 3:22-7:27; Ezekiel 29:1-16


In startlingly blunt language, the LORD speaks through Ezekiel describing Samaria (Israel) and Jerusalem (Judah) as two harlot sisters. Naming Israel “Oholah” (meaning “her own tabernacle”) and Judah “Oholibah” (meaning “My tabernacle is in her”) they are told the harlotry began in Egypt in the days of their youth. When Yahweh delivered them from Pharaoh, He was saving them not only from bandage, but from idolatry. A quick re-read of the Ten Commandments shows the importance God placed on spiritual faithfulness.


Yahweh Elohim desired for His children to be fruitful and joyous in the land of Canaan. Had they placed their trust in Him, they would have been filled with the joy of the LORD in all of their days. Yahweh would give them rain, harvest and prosperity for their physical needs and peace, comfort and wisdom for their spiritual needs in exchange for a simple trusting faith. Instead, they misplaced their faith, seeking joy and pleasure from false gods they found in the nations around them.


Yahweh Elohim desired to give His children victory over their captors and every bully around them. He would go before them and fight for them when they trusted in His power in lieu of their own fighting abilities. Even under Joshua and David there were lapses that led to defeat. Now, in the face of destruction and illuminated by the prophetic words of Ezekiel, they chose reliance upon their army and allies and counter-attacked the invader sent by God.


The message for them is the message for us. Godliness with contentment is the product of a well-placed faith in God for His providential care. Godly sorrow unto repentance is the product of a well-placed faith in God for His truth and mercy. In good times and bad times faith is rightly focused on Him, not the false gods of self, riches or people.


The prophetic ministry of Ezekiel must have seemed to the people as theater of the absurd. Crazy ol’ Zeke is at it again with more performance art in the streets. Each day they ignored his messages brought them one day closer to ruin. The foolish placed their faith in their ability to reason through the signs of the times. The wise placed their faith words of God.



Consider His nature.  Consider His ways.  Strive to love Him more!



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