Sunday Morning

Bible Classes – 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service – 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Evening

Evening Worship – 6:00 p.m.
Small Groups –
Every First & Third Sunday
 (all are welcome)

Wednesday Evening

Café or B.Y.O. Meal – 6:15 p.m.

Bible Classes – 7:00 p.m.

At Timberlane Church of Christ, Tallahassee

We are dedicated to 
 the lost, embracing them in God’s love, and 
them to serve Him.

Continue Growing

We would rather fellowship with you in person, but there are many ways to stay connected with Timberlane Church of Christ, Tallahassee, if you aren’t able to fellowship with us in person. Through the links below, you can find recent sermons, Bible studies, or watch live services and Bible Classes.

Sermon podcast

Subscribe to our podcast and listen to past sermons. These sermons are available through  Apple, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen all the way back to 2016!

live stream

You can watch sermons and the adult bible classes live on YouTube every Sunday and Wednesday. Be sure to like and subscribe so that you can find our channel easily.

Our adult bible classes are streamed live but you can go back anytime and watch previous lessons. We have have organized them into playlists for convenience.

our blog

Our blog contains announcements, weekly bulletins, and more. Be sure to check the blog regularly to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with our church.

Upcoming Events

Below are a few of the events we have coming up soon at the Timberlane Church of Christ, Tallahassee, FL. Be sure to check out the pages for the different  areas of ministry to find opportunities to worship that fit you and your family.

Sunday Morning Bible Class

Timberlane Church of Christ Building 3569 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL, United States

Bible classes are taught for babies through adults. Come and learn from God's Word with us.

Sunday Morning Worship

Timberlane Church of Christ Building 3569 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL, United States

ROMEO Weekly Breakfast Meeting

Village Inn 3392 Lonnbladh Rd, Tallahassee, FL, United States

ROMEO: Retired Old Men Eating Out Join your brothers for a time of breakfast, Christian fellowship, and fun.

Small Groups

Timberlane Church of Christ Building 3569 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL, United States

The 2024-2025 Small Groups cycle is approaching. We plan to meet twice per month, first and third Sundays, October through May, for a total of 16 meetings. This year, we […]

Golden Triangle Monthly Breakfast

Timberlane Church of Christ 3659 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL, United States

The monthly breakfast is coming up soon!  Join us for caring, sharing, and fellowship. Make a reservation by calling Margie Givens no later than the Monday before the meeting. Looking […]


Sunday Night Worship and Q&A

Timberlane Church of Christ Building 3569 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL, United States

Small Groups

Timberlane Church of Christ Building 3569 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL, United States

The 2024-2025 Small Groups cycle is approaching. We plan to meet twice per month, first and third Sundays, October through May, for a total of 16 meetings. This year, we […]

Ministry Areas

We encourage you to take some time to connect with our areas of ministry. We have ministries that serve all age groups and are proud to offer a Spanish-speaking ministry. Click one of the links below to get started and find how we can reach you and make you part of our family.

contact information

write us or contact us on our social media

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Timberlane Church of Christ, Tallahassee, FL

    3569 Timberlane School Road

    Phone:  850.893.6469

    Fax:  850.893.4135

    Email:  Main Office