2 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 21-22:9; 2 Kings 11-14:22; 2 Chronicles 22:10-12


At times it is difficult to differentiate between the Hebrew kingdoms and the palace intrigue in Britain, France and Russia. At best we see lip service to ‘religion’ and then much effort into plotting, planning and killing to further those plans. In reality, there simply was no difference between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the other kingdoms in history. They were planted in Canaan to glorify Yahweh Elohim, El Shaddai. Instead they strove for vainglory.


Each step of the way, Yahweh spoke his expectation and the consequences for failure (the Law), reminded His people of that expectation and the consequences for failing short (the Prophets). In response the dealings of the people and their kings were no different from the nations and kingdoms around them.


In sad despair, Yahweh reminded them that He alone is God and that He alone rescued them from captivity. Pleading, He scolded them for chasing after the gods of the nations He was punishing for idolatry. Lovingly, He allowed them the free will to choose whom they would serve.


The fundamental desire of God is for “separateness”. Yahweh called them out of Egypt, through the sea, to Mount Sinai and into the Wilderness. He won victory after victory over the idolatrous people of Canaan. The land He promised to Abraham was given in grace to the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for a possession. In return, God’s possession would be the people. In this “separateness” they would be unique and distinct from the peoples around them, and others would be drawn to Yahweh because of them.


In the end, they chose to be like the world rather than to take on the nature of their God.


The problem persists today under the new covenant. The church (spiritual Israel) has been called out of the world to be separate (“holiness”). When this occurs, the world takes note and many are drawn to God through Jesus Christ. The sad reality is that far too often, the church looks just like the world. There is no distinctiveness.


Even within the “walls and halls” of the church – like the royal court of Israel – folks claiming to be Christians scheme and connive just like people do everywhere else. God spoke His expectations. In scripture, He reminds us of those expectations and the consequences of our scheming failings. At the same time, He still promises the glory – His glory – that will shine forth in this world if we will only strive to truly be His own possession. And the world will see. The world will come. If only…


Consider His nature.  Consider His ways.  Strive to love Him more!



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