“Who Is This?” – MARK 4:35-41



Another great “VBS” story is found in this passage. But, these are not childish verses. I recall a stormy morning in Alabama as the thunder roared at our house, we heard a knock at the door in the early hours. Our daughter was fearful of the storm. Fear is a serious matter. Even though it was not a rational fear, it was a REAL fear for her.


Jesus desires to teach us to overcome fear through our faith (4:40).


My job as a parent was to teach Maddy to trust her God and Savior enough to rationally assess her fears in light of His power and His promises.



The more we are exposed to Jesus, the better we should be able to assess our own fears.


If we have financial fears, we should trust His guidance on divine provision and anxiety.


If we have health fears, we should trust His healing power and His providential will for our lives.


If we have spiritual fears, we should trust Him enough to keep coming to Him.


If we have relationship fears, we should trust His love.


We may still have more month than money, but He will provide. Our bodies may be plagued with illness that does not heal, but we shall be released and given a new body someday. Through his struggles with his paralyzed arm, my son Lee has taught me this lesson over and over again. Some days I think I prepared him for this, so that he could truly teach me the lesson.


Our faith is in a Savior who loves us, cares for us and who keeps promises.


Jesus was always in control. I fear the loss of control. When I am in a car, I want to drive. When someone I love is afraid, I want to sooth. When my child is hurt, I want to heal. One of life’s great challenges and lessons to be learned is not to worry about things we cannot control, but to focus on the people enduring these things with us. Jesus COULD control the wind and the seas, therefore He could sleep. Knowing Jesus is in control, maybe we can sleep.


Who is He? He is God.


Maybe we would worry less if we allowed Him more control…


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