Sunday AM

Joseph, a Call to Faith – Joe Peet, Auditorium

General Adult

Through this quarter we will examine the life of Joseph and discover practical applications for the truths learned about his characteristics. We seek to understand the significant events, challenges and blessings which molded Joseph’s life. His was a remarkable life, he was a unique biblical character whose life illustrates like few others, just how God orders, directs, and blesses our lives to His glory. We hope not to get to the end of the quarter only having reviewed some familiar scripture passages and agree that those are the same stories we remember from Bible school in our youth. Rather, we hope to explore just how God directed the course of Joseph’s life and determine for ourselves how we might benefit from being more open to God’s direction our own lives.

Spanish Speaking Brethren Library

General Adult

The Christian and Grieving – Ken Harvey, Room 11

General Adult

Over the course of a lifetime, almost every person has to deal with death in two ways: by experiencing the loss of loved ones and, eventually, by facing his or her own death. How should Christians confront death in these situations? This study offers a Biblical perspective about death and how Christians should face death and express their grief.

The Gospel of John – Jared Kelly, Multi-Purpose Room

General Adult

This study of John’s Gospel, will help us unravel the mystery of Christ, and the mastery of God’s plan to rescue mankind. Our study will focus primarily on the deeper theological sections of the book. Gospel of John journals will be available to those participating in the study.

Old Testament Heroes – Jimmy Sullivan, Loft



Wednesday PM

The Grace in Which We Stand – A Study of “Romans” – Lee Jamieson, Auditorium

General Adult

Together we will examine the marvelous grace of God through the pen of the Apostle Paul. From doctrine through practical implications, Paul explores the plan of God for the Hebrew and the Gentile that culminates in grace flowing from the cross of Calvary. Truly timeless scripture, this letter brings together all that is taught throughout the Bible about the salvation of God in His Anointed One, Jesus of Nazareth.

Spanish Speaking Brethren Library

General Adult

Technology and the Family – Jeff James, Multi-Purpose Room #1

General Adult

To what extent is technology a tool that is an aid to Christians? To what extent is technology a distraction (or worse) for Christians? We will consider how technology impacts the individual and the impact of technology on relationships. A key point of emphasis over the quarter will be addressing the challenges parents have (or will have) engaging withand teachingchildren and teenagers to follow Christ in a technology-dominant society. There will be a particular focus on the use of phones and other mobile devices. There will be opportunities for participants to share what has “worked” and what has “not worked” when trying to teach children and teenagers.

The Bible – Mark Butts, Loft




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