PROVERBS 21:1–31

The Joy of the LORD in us comes from our embrace of the things that give God joy. As you look through this (and all inspired proverbs), sort out the truths expressed in the negative from the positive. God is simply saying “this is good and here is what you can expect” and “this is bad and here is what you can expect”. Should you choose good, the things of God become a joy to the righteous.



Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight (“joy” LRJ), declares the LORD.”   Jeremiah 9:23-24



It amazes me when folks say they do not understand the Bible. I absolutely get that portions of Ezekiel and Revelation are confusing, for instance, but for the most part, God expresses Himself very clearly. In various ways He consistently says,


I practice love and I want to see you love…


I am just and I want to see you promoting justice…


I am righteous and I want to see My righteousness displayed in your life.


The final proverbial statement should guide our thinking on this passage. In all of life’s choices there is a fundamental duality between right and wrong. In actuality, there is a war between UNrighteousness and righteousness, INjustice and justice. God wins.


Far too often, those who are trying to choose right over wrong seek only to avoid the penalty of the wrongdoing, not the activity that IS wrong. We want the pleasure of sin, but not the punishment.


At the same time, we focus on the little justices and injustices of our own existence and do not lift up our eyes to see the injustices all around. The church MUST BE the instrument of righteousness and justice in the world. We cannot close our eyes and ears and expect to be pleasing to God.


do justly and effect justice

do rightly and be righteous


The message of this segment of God’s Word is that we will actually find JOY is right-doing when we embrace the result of right-doing. Justice should be our delight because it is the delight of the LORD. Righteousness should be the source of well-being in our lives because righteousness is the delight of the LORD.


When justice is done, it is a JOY to the righteous


Discover … His Joy


Access … His Joy


Share … His Joy



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