“In Remembrance of Him…” – 2 PETER 1:10-18


After today, we will leave this epistle of Peter and go back to the gospel of Mark for a few days.  Peter is at the end of his life (1:12-15) but is looking back to the life of Jesus and the purpose of His death and resurrection.  We are not called to commit our lives and souls to a philosophy – we are called to commit to the man Jesus of Nazareth.  Peter’s life and words stir us to remember.


We must remember that in stark contrast to all other religions we are not called to the footsteps of a mortal man, but to the feet of God Himself who became a man.


As others may follow one who lived, taught and died, remember they all have two common traits – they sinned and they are still dead.  Every one of them.  The precious faith received by Christians is in the One without sin who is RISEN and ALIVE.  As time on earth slips away from Peter, his final message is for all who believe in the Risen Lord to truly follow Him.


Sadly, the trend among those professing a belief in Jesus as the Christ is toward “consumerism”.  THE church is being replaced by “churches”.  Men follow in the footsteps of men and their programs who manage to draw bigger crowds and larger budgets. These “churches” compete with each other on the same base level as any other product offered for consumption in the marketplace.  Reading 2 Peter 1:3-11, you will see that the Lord’s called out ones are called to discipleship – consumption of spiritual things – rather than consumption of material things.  Although his steps were at times inconsistent, Peter left his nets and his life and followed the One who called him.


Everything goes back to the man, Jesus Christ and the sinless life He lived on this sinful rock called “earth”.  The gospel record reveals many who challenged Jesus on moral and religious grounds, but none who successfully charged Jesus with one single sin.  He was a man who was tempted in every way, as we are, but He alone stood the test.  Peter says this is no “cleverly devised tale” (1:16), but unassailable truth.  If Jesus is without sin, then He is eligible to be the sacrifice for sin (mine and yours).  If He is the atoning sacrifice, then God offers truth and asks for faith (1:1).  Remember your sin, and then remember Jesus.


Everything hinges on Jesus being God in the flesh.  One sin would negate everything, and Satan knew it.  The temptation in the wilderness was the great opportunity, and Jesus persevered without sin.  Forty days without food weakened His flesh and He was vulnerable.  By faith we “see” Jesus living through and overcoming the daily temptations of life among other people.  Peter heard the truth and saw His glorification (1:17-18).


If anyone would have seen the flaws in Jesus it would have been Peter. 


If anyone could have had a moment of weakness and cried out, “Yes, I failed, but so did HE”, I believe it would have been Peter.


Yet, Peter acknowledges His deity and His majesty (1:16).  You don’t have to watch too long on cable channels to find plenty of folks with religious titles who will compromise this fact.  They claim that Peter and the others made it all up after Jesus’ death and “created” a religion.  The Holy Spirit marvelously anticipated this tactic, and moved Peter to remind us of the truth.  Jesus is real.  Jesus is God.  Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


When you remember, does the story of Jesus “stir you up” (1:13)?  Disciples should not need a consumer-driven “church” to stir us up with entertainment and programs.  A daily glance back at the life of Christ should do that … and then we can take up our cross for this day.  Growing our faith should not be dependent upon the skill of the preacher or the faithfulness of others around us.  A daily walk with our Savior should do that … as we remember His love, His grace, His sacrifice and His kingdom.  No, we don’t need a church that competes with the Super Bowl.  We need the cross, and the Word and disciples.  Remember?

Follow Him to the Cross

Follow Him to the Tomb

Follow Him to New Life

Follow Him to Eternity!


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