PROVERBS 14:1-35

One consistent teaching of life and scripture is that joy is not exclusive to God.  Lasting joy is exclusive to God, but fleeting joy can be found even in the vilest of pursuits.  The one who seeks the wisdom of God and desires to be pleasing to Him will examine the price of the fleeting joy found in the world.

just because it seems right does not make it right

As you meditate on these proverbs, notice the consistent juxtaposition of the ways of God and the ways of men.  When I was young, there was a saying, “If it feels good, do it!”  At the time it made all the sense in the world.  Of course, at its core, hedonism appeals to people.  We want to feel good … we want to be “happy”.

what makes me happy does not necessarily bring the Joy of the LORD

Uprightness is a builder, while folly is a destroyer.  The upright ones are people of prudence.  Strongholds of family and friends and spiritual community are built upon the foundation of the fear of the LORD.  In discernment we clearly see the difference between what “seems” right and what IS right.

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief.” Proverbs 14:12-13

Do you see it?  Even in wrongdoing, we can find joy.  Let’s be clear.  Joy is not what we are seeking.  The LORD is who we are seeking.  His joy is a product of taking refuge in Him and living lives of wisdom and understanding in uprightness in the fear of the LORD.

His joy never ends in grief …


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