“Just What We Need To Hear” – MARK 9:30-37
Did they really not know that He already knew (9:34) what they had been talking about when He asked (9:33)?
Why do Christians think we can hide our thoughts from God? Jesus again made clear the sacrificial nature of His mission and the necessity of His death and resurrection (9:31). That they spend their time discussing THEIR OWN “greatness” is proof they did not understand (9:32). Maybe they should have asked. But, as Jesus does, He give the instructions even when we do not know to ask (9:35-37).
As always, it is just what we needed to hear!
Jesus re-defines everything about mankind. Our relationship to the Divine is completely changed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our relationship to friends, family and neighbors is made new and different. The way we relate to others who are in covenant relationship to God is placed in a whole new light. At this point, the disciples needed to understand that they must redefine themselves and “greatness”. Greatness is to be found in humble service to others (9:35), not in self-exaltation.
Greatness is found in “leastness”.
One of Jesus’ powerful illustrations was the human child. On this occasion He wants us to look at all people the way we (at least most people) look at children. Children are at first helpless and then need adult assistance. We look at adults through worldly eyes and see what they can do for us. If you have a heart at all, you look at a child and see if you can do anything for them.
Accepting people in Christ (“in My name”) as you would a child is accepting Jesus Himself (9:37).
As Christians we cannot go through this life looking for advantage over people. We have been bought with a price and we will never be “great” by the world’s common measure. The greatness of Jesus was in His humiliating death and His glorifying resurrection (9:31b). So too, with us … we die to this world, to self and to sin. Greatness for us is re-defined. He raises us from the watery grave of baptism into the glory of Jesus Christ.
Living is then re-defined as service to God and to all people.
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