Timberlane College Ministry

Students attending college in Tallahassee have a second home at Timberlane! You’ll find a loving and friendly congregation who are here to help you as you continue your education. We offer activities, service projects, and devotionals in members’ homes. Delicious meals are served at our Wednesday Night Café at no cost to college students. For information about Christ on Campus please contact Jeff James (jdjames@fsu.edu, 850-320-5608).

As the cornerstone of Timberlane’s “20/20 Vision”, in partnership with willing congregations in Tallahassee and around the State of Florida, we will build and operate Christ On Campus, a new conveniently-located Student Center serving the combined 65,000 students of Florida State University (FSU), Florida A&M University (FAMU) and Tallahassee Community College (TCC).