Exodus 7 – 14

You have doubtless heard the charges leveled against Yahweh from atheists, agnostics and believers. God is cruel. God is unfair. He is a stubborn child who pitches a fit when He doesn’t get His way. Or, He is a violent, mass murdering sociopath. If that is who God is then I am glad I do not serve Him and would never want to spend eternity with Him, they say.


Today we read about a Pharaoh with a hard heart and Yahweh El Shaddai (Almighty God) displaying His power in astounding ways. You decide if the charges are legitimate.


A walking stick becomes a snake and turns back into a stick. The waters of the Nile River turned to blood, endangering the whole of Egypt. Out of the Nile swarms of frogs and then swarms of gnats and flies. Horses, donkeys, camels, sheep, goats and cattle get sick and die. The people develop painful boils. Hailstones rain down and devastates everything caught out in the open. And, then come the locusts, one of nature’s most heartless destroyers of crops. Then it was dark. Not just dark, but DARK dark. Pharaoh fought against God even now. It cost him his firstborn son – his heir – and the firstborn of every Egyptian house not obediently covered with the blood of sacrificed lambs.


By refusing to humble himself before God, it was Pharaoh who was responsible for all of these terrible things happening to his people and his nation. At each and every step along this tragic pathway, Yahweh El Shaddai clearly told Pharaoh who He is and what is expected. Pharoah suffered. He led his people into suffering, despair and want. None of these were a surprise. It all happens as God warned. The cause of all of this was human hubris. Pride is self-idolatry. Pride is choosing self over others. Pride is choosing my will over God’s will. God does not make me prideful, He simply gives me the option of choosing pride or humility. Pharaoh chose pride.


I choke back tears when it dawns on me that I am Pharaoh. The ultimate consequence for my actions willfully done even though I know it’s wrong is clearly revealed by God. Yahweh is always with me, He is who He says He is. Yahweh El Shaddai is righteous and just. He does what He says He will do. This power was unleashed to save whoever would follow Him through the water and into the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. My heart is hard – not His. Pharaoh excluded Pharaoh from the presence and salvation of the Living God, not Yahweh.


Everlasting life is my choice … accomplished by God’s mighty power.


If you and I want to be with Yahweh forever, we just need to let ourselves go.


Consider His nature. Consider His ways. Strive to love Him more!



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