Baby Shower for Jillann Wallace Crawford

A baby girl shower for Jillann Wallace Crawford will be held at the home of Urenda Driver. Ladies please come and celebrate with us as Butch and Jill Wallace happily anticipate the arrival of their first grandchild, Daisy Louise. Jillann and Casey are registered at Babies R' Us and on

Baby “Sprinkle” for Leslie Reithmiller

Ladies please join us for a baby "sprinkle" for Leslie Reithmiller. She and Mike are expecting their second son, Jacob Clinton, and are registered at Target.

Mission Trip to Rainbow Omega

Our annual mission trip to Rainbow Omega for high school students is an uplifting time for service and spiritual growth.

Girls’ Service Day

Youth group girls and their moms are invited to participate with Habitat for Humanity in a service project. Bring sunscreen, work gloves, and probably some tools. Send your specific questions to Mark Butts. If you'd like to carpool from the church building, please meet at 7:00. See you then!    

4th of July Youth Party

Don and Gail are looking forward to hosting the youth group at their home. More info to come - save the date!

TYM Summer Series “Become” #3

Our Summer Series continues with Andrew Howell whose topic is "Become What You Are Supposed to Be".  Andrew is the youth minister at Regency Church of Christ in Mobile, AL.

TYM Summer Series “Become” #4

This week our guest is Andrew Thompson who is speaking on "Become Tight Knit as a Family". Andrew is the youth minister at Rose Hill Church of Christ and Executive Committee Member for Exposure Youth Camp.