Baby Shower for Linnea Stutts

Ladies, you're invited to a baby shower for Linnea Stutts. Linnea is expecting a girl, and she is registered at Amazon.

Hann Housewarming/Baby Shower

Ladies and gentlemen, please come to a couples housewarming/baby shower for Miranda and Tim Hann. They are moving to a new house and having a baby boy (due August 1).  Please bring a gift or gift card for their new house and baby. Miranda is registered on Baby List. The password is Blessed.

Baby Shower for Maddy Colwell

Ladies, please join us for a baby shower for Maddy Colwell. Her baby boy is expected in September and she is registered at Target.

Family Meeting

Join us for an important meeting of the congregation. We will have an abbreviated worship service, including Lord’s Supper, followed by our meeting. The Elders will share more about the Ministry Fair, Youth Ministry, Smalls Groups, Sunday PM Rotation for the Fall, Foreign Missions status, Budget Updates, Local Missions, and Office Procedures. Questions are welcomed.

VBS Thank You Lunch

Thank you to all the hard workers of Vacation Bible School! Please join us after morning worship downstairs in the multipurpose room! Lunch is provided to any and all who helped make VBS 2022 a success!