“The World IS Enough” – ACTS 10:1-48

It had been quite a journey from the first day Peter encountered Jesus, left his nets and followed where Jesus led.

Peter was no theologian, but God was instituting a change in Jewish theology and ideology through him. Preaching Christ crucified to the pious Jews of the world gathered in Jerusalem was one thing … but Gentiles? A three-fold vision (10:9-16) of “clean” food, a visit to a Gentile’s home (10:28) and a recognition of God’s guidance finally opened Peter’s eye’s to the full meaning of obeying God rather than men (10:19-20). God promised through His prophets that Messiah would be a light to Gentiles … but it just did not seem possible. The Jews alone were not enough for God. In Christ Jesus, only the world was enough.

We learn much from this conversion narrative that helps us more clearly understand our own salvation. Cornelius was a good and moral man, but that could not save him (10:1-2). He still needed cleansing. He was a man of introspection and prayer – shall was say “spirituality” – but, that could not save him (10:3-4). He still needed a Savior. Cornelius received a blessing of Holy Spirit inspiration (10:44-46), but even this could not save him. God confirmed Cornelius and the Gentiles to Peter, but these people – like all men – needed the new covenant forgiveness of sins that comes by obeying the gospel (10:47-48).

Some things change in God’s methods, and the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit has passed.

The purpose of the miracles was to confirm the WORD.

The word of Christ …
the word of salvation …
the word of salvation to even the Gentiles.

The Gentiles were miraculously confirmed to Peter (10:44-46) in exactly the same manner that Peter and the eleven were confirmed to the Jews. Even so, the purpose of God in all of this was to focus the hearts and minds of people on the MESSAGE of Jesus and the sin-forgiving and eternal-life bestowing power of the gospel.

Cornelius needed to call Peter to “listen to words” from him (10:21-22).

He was told that the purpose of Peter’s coming was to “speak to” him (10:32) so that he might “hear all things commanded by the Lord” (10:33). Peter “opened his mouth” and spoke (10:34) “the word” (10:36a) and news of “preaching” (10:36b) and the now widespread “message” (10:37). Peter’s mission was simply to “preach to the people that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead” (10:42). The miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Gentiles that confirmed them to Peter occurred “as Peter spoke these words” (10:44).

Does the WORD matter.

There is simply no gospel without it.

As we draw this study of the ministry and writings of Peter to a close, we must remember his final admonition interlaced the scriptures and faithfulness (2 Peter 3:14-18) in light of judgment and eternity (2 Peter 3:1-11). Indeed what manner of people should we be? With the baptism of Cornelius, God kept the promise He made to Abraham to bless the whole world (Acts 11:18), and we are blessed accordingly.

“For God so loved the WORLD…”

For God, the “world” IS enough!

God is no respecter of persons. God has spoken. God calls us to salvation in Christ. God calls us to repentance and conversion. God calls us to grow in grace. God calls us to inherit eternal life. Do not take my word for it … read His word for it!

May God richly bless you in the coming year and into eternity!


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