PROVERBS 29:1-27


A quick glance at the news is all you need to sense the absence of justice in human society. Our nation in particular promises “justice for all”, but isolated successes notwithstanding, we fall short. From the perspective of politics we are told that a vote this way or compromise that way will give us the justice we seek. On the assumption that Jesus is not a member of any political party, does the Lord’s church seek a political solution?


When the righteous increase, the people rejoice


No matter the relative injustice of any human society, the positive impact of God’s people is crucial in the fight for justice. When faced with violence, what do we do? Hurtful words are hurled all around, do we join in? Are we to accept injustice when it advances our politics. I think you all know the answers. The Lord’s church is intended to be a small lump of leaven that permeates the whole batch of dough. Are we?


The Lord gives light to oppressor and oppressed


This struggle is nothing new. People know what they are doing, even (especially?) when these actions are evil. The frustration comes when we see no direct result of increasing righteousness. Acts of kindness done in secret don’t seem to make cable news shows. Maybe you cannot bring joy to our nation. Can you bring joy to only the folks you meet today?


Justice comes from the LORD


Did you catch that? While we seek justice, promote justice and oppose injustice, the end result is in God’s hands. The next time you feel overwhelmed at the evil in the world and sense the frustration of helplessness, remember the expectations upon us. Resist the evil and increase in your righteous behavior. Rejoice in the little victories.



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