ACTS 7:48 – 8:25


Imagine you are one of the 11 (in other words, not Judas). The past three years have been a study in the extremes of the human experience. The extreme joy of working miracles is offset by the extreme emptiness of watching people oppose and reject Jesus. There were amazing catches of fish and multitudes being fed out of thin air and a little girl returning to life. Yet, there was constant plotting, attempts at stoning and what seemed to be a life on the run.


Why doesn’t it all just “even out”?


He was dead. No question about it. Now, He is alive. Then, He went away and we are all alone. Now, the Holy Spirit is here and everything has changes. Thousands are now His disciples. Now, Stephen is dead. All he did was speak the truth. Imagine the minds of the 11. Are you at the breaking point emotionally?


A change of perspective is necessary


When we consider each and every life event in isolation, we are tossed to and fro on an emotional rollercoaster. Life becomes a game whose scoring is determined by circumstances. The battle is between happiness and sorrow. A change to the divine perspective allows joy to truly “even out” the ride. Even though saddened by Stephen’s death we now have the joyous comfort that he is with the Lord. Hmmm.


Keep pressing on


From the turmoil of Stephen’s stoning, Almighty Yahweh guided His spokesmen into the countryside and beyond. Away from Jerusalem the gospel spread to the ears of lost souls. Jews and Samaritans are now Christians. All because they church did not quit when circumstances turned against them. In spite of it all, they did what they were called to do. And, joy abounded…


Discover … His Joy


Access … His Joy


Share … His Joy



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