MATTHEW 13:1-58

This marked a notable transformation in the teaching ministry of Jesus. He began imparting divine truth delivered into willing minds by the use of easily understood analogy and metaphor. He began employing parables.


receiving truth and seeking the kingdom



Using the example of sowing seed on various soils, Jesus speaks to our willingness to listen to truth. The differing soils (“hearts and minds”) receive the seed (“truth”) according to their nature. The hard-hearted do not listen and the word lies exposed and waiting to be plucked away by Satan. The shallow listen, but the lack of roots for the truth prevent meaningful results. The busy accept the truth, but fail to separate it out from the cares of life and it withers. The willing listen, and the fruit of truth blossoms.



“joy” in and of itself is not a predictor of success



The rocky soil – the “shallow” – received the truth with joy. We may hear it on Sunday, in a devo, on the radio or in casual conversation, but it resonates. It clicks with us. It is an epiphany that very well could be life changing. If only we allow the truth we heard to germinate AND take root. Sadly, troubles snuff out the fruit of truth.


a truth epiphany requires personal commitment



Compare the shallow one with the treasure seeker. More than an epiphany received, the treasure is longed for by the searcher. Now the epiphany is more like a discovery. An explosion of understanding compels changes. In his joy, he makes sacrifices


life-changing truth avails the willing



The same seed was sown. The same treasure was there all along for the finding. The same pearl was waiting to be discovered. Truth is persistent, but so is intellectual and spiritual apathy. Jesus is search for the willing.


His family and friends received Him with skepticism



These miracles and this wisdom should have been more than sufficient. We see no joy. We sense no willingness. So, Jesus went on His way. How long He tarries no mortal can know.


The truth is out there



Discover … His Joy


Access … His Joy


Share … His Joy




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