Some choose to find joy in turmoil. Strange. Sad to say “even” in the church some seem to thrive of engaging in discord. Such was the case in Philippi, and the Apostle Paul wanted it to end. For the Christian, worldly strife is the enemy of unity. We may not agree on everything, but we can agree “in the Lord”.


Rejoicing in the Lord IS standing firm in the Lord


How do we find joy when we aren’t getting along? Get back to fundamentals. Whatever had come between these two sisters somehow had overtaken the joy that came to them when they labored in the gospel together. They lost sight of the matters of first importance and allowed secondary, worldly things to rise to the fore. Paul knew it needed to end.


Rejoicing in the Lord in ALL things is key


When the Lord in “at hand”, we can see what is truly important. Joy and unity return when the stressors are given over to God. Just let go, and seek His peace. Just talk to God, and accept His peace. While disharmony and anxiety are the destroyers of peace and joy, peace and joy are God’s primary weapons for us to use against worry and strife. Amazing how that works, but it does.


When you dwells on worldly things, seek contentment


Do you need to stand firm? God supplies your needs. Does peace elude you? The God of peace amply supplies your needs. Through all and in all, the solution is the same. Problems come and problems pass, but the Lord remains unchanged. There is comfort in this. An impossible to explain peace comes over us. Then, all that remains is to rejoice in the One who works His power in us!



Discover … His Joy


Access … His Joy


Share … His Joy



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