“Why Jesus?” – MARK 1:38-45


            They treated Him like a Rockstar, and He couldn’t even go into the cities anymore (1:45) because of the mob scenes. We casually read over passages like these and think, “That’s awesome, they really welcomed Jesus”. Did they? Several times during His ministry on earth, Jesus would say and do things that seemingly served to drive people away. Drawing huge crowds would seem to be the point, and yet He withdraws from them into deserted places and makes it harder for them to come to Him for healing. It makes you pause to ask “Why, Jesus?”


            Maybe it is not just about numbers, even though God does not want any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). The people were amazed at His miracles and it seems that many were coming to Him for a “dog and pony show”. There can be no doubt that Jesus was deeply moved by the pain and suffering of people (Mark 1:41) and healing miracles allowed Him to minister to the physical needs of the hurting. If all He wanted to do was prove His divinity by miracles, He could have made earthquakes, parted the Jordan, made it rain on cue or any other number of displays of His power over nature. Yet, He healed physical hurts. Was this why He came? Not according to Jesus Himself, it is not. He came to preach (Mark 1:38).


            Let’s turn this around and bring it into our lives. What is there to draw us to Him today? We can only read about the miracles, we cannot see them. He has “withdrawn” to the heavenly realms for a time, awaiting the Day of His return. Now, like then, this “withdrawal” makes it harder for people to come to Him. Maybe God wants some effort from us. When many left Jesus because of His hard teaching (John 6), Peter said the disciples would stay because Jesus had the “words of eternal life” (John 6:68-69). God spoke to us through Jesus (John 1:1-5, Hebrews 1:1-2) and we have to make some tough choices.


Salvation is free, but it is not easy.


Even so, in our modern religious culture there is an emphasis upon presenting the world an entertaining “Jesus show” instead of presenting the Word (1 John 1:1-3). People want an “easy Jesus” and a “light faith” instead of a cross and a crown.


What do you want out of your faith? Jesus performed wonders, but He is not Jesus, the “Wonder-Maker”. He is Jesus, the Savior … Lord … Master … Teacher. He is real and He is alive. He bought His church with His blood. Are you looking for a “Sunday Show” or a “daily cross”? Instead of being a screaming fan in a crowd hollering at a Rockstar, maybe a deeper and personal relationship is in order.


Maybe we should pause to ask “Why Jesus?”


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