“Can You Taste It?” – 1 PETER 2:1-3



By His grace, sinners can receive that precious washing away of scarlet sins.


Peter certainly knew that wonderful feeling of relief from his sins. In vivid inspired prose, he asks us “Can you taste His grace?” (1 Peter 2:3). Grace washes away the old ways of deceitfulness, wickedness, hypocrisy, envy and slander (2:1) when we submit to Christ and obey the gospel. We die to those things and are raised to walk in truth, righteousness, transformation, generosity and kindness. The word is a seed planted, but the growth process must be fulfilled in us. As Jesus taught (Mark 4), so teaches Peter (1:23).


If you can taste His grace in Christ, then you first recognize that taste as refreshing pure milk (2:2a).


In our spiritual infancy a desire for spiritual food (later, it will be meat) is born. The danger arises when we never develop the taste for pure, spiritual milk. It’s like going into the field and uprooting a seeding that is reaching out for nourishment. Disconnected from food, it cannot grow to its potential … in fact, it will soon die. Babies without food do not fare well in life, and the same truth applies to the church. God does not force-feed.


How can you continue to taste grace if you do not keep feeding on it?


If you are tasting the grace of God in Christ, then God will grow you (2:2b; Mark 4:27-28). Jesus Christ has transforming power. His gospel has redeeming power. The inspired word has nourishing power. When you take a bite of chocolate for the first time it will change your life. There is something special about it, and for many it leads to a life-long craving. At this point in my life, the first taste of chocolate is long gone. Fortunately, I have tasted it again and again.


Is not the grace of God far better than chocolate?


Craving compels us to feast. Feasting nourishes and feeds growth. We grow by the power of the word unto salvation in heaven (2:2b). The mere thought of heaven is so sweet!


In fact, you can almost taste it…




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