“Mind and Heart Invasion” – MARK 7:14-23



In the religious world prior to Christ, the Hebrew people were not exclusive in observing rituals. They were, however, quite exclusive in that Yahweh had given them the Law, and had told their forefathers how to come to Him (Hebrews 11:4, 11:6 and Romans 10:17 – among many others). In times past Yahweh communicated His will (Hebrews 11:1-2) in many ways, but all was preparatory to Christ Jesus.


Jesus is now the exclusive voice of God and the exclusive avenue to come to Him (John 14:6).


One of the tasks Jesus undertook was to change the minds of folks from a dedication to outward ritual to an understanding of inward spirituality. The outward things we do still matter, but only when the inward attitude is right is one acceptable to God (Mark 7:15).


Yahweh had given specific laws and ordinances for the dietary lives of the Hebrew people. These would be nailed to the cross (Mark 7:19 and Colossians 2:14) and the way opened to God through His sacrifice. People needed the deep understanding that relationship with Yahweh was not a matter of a surgical procedure (circumcision) or abstaining from certain foods (pork). These were placed as ordinances to point to Christ (Galatians 3:21-29). Jesus was not saying these things NEVER mattered to God. He was saying that all would be changed in the coming NEW covenant. The seeds of the “new” were clearly given in the “old” (Deuteronomy 6:4-6, Mark 12:29-30).


Minds simply needed to change (“repentance”) so that hearts could change.


Even so, we still have a basic problem truly understanding the power of Jesus’ teaching. We imagine it is actually much easier if we just had a checklist of things to do.


I showed up for church … check.

I ate bread and drank juice … check.

I gave my offering … check (no pun intended).

I’m good with God for another week!


When Jesus starts invading my heart and my mind it gets much more personal and much more difficult. It is so much easier to be a hypocrite than it is to be a committed disciple of our Savior. Sin that threatens our salvation and leads to falling from grace comes from within our hearts and minds. Physical sin is born long after the seed of sin germinates within us (Mark 7:21-23).


I was never raised with a prohibition against eating BBQ, so the “freedom” to alter my diet means nothing to me. Yet within the teachings of Jesus on this very matter, I find the central challenge of Jesus and the demands He places upon my life.


If appearing “good” saved me, then there is no need for the cross and Jesus died for nothing.


If eating “right” could cleanse me, then there was no need for “bread from heaven”.


I need Jesus because I am defiled. It’s my fault.


I am truly thankful for the man Jesus who lived without sin and offered His body to die in my place. I am truly thankful for the blood that flowed from Him on the cross that washes away my sins and places me in communion with Yahweh. The body and the blood … communion … I guess we do have dietary laws in the new covenant, too.


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