PSALM 126:1-6

The longsuffering of God is perplexing.  From bad choices to outright rebellion, the crown jewel of His creation – people – tear down the fellowship God desires above all else.  Time after time, God restores what we tear down.
Replacing nightmares with sweet dreams

The way of rebellion ultimately leads to misery, even if there is pleasure for a season.  Why?  Simply put, we were created for fellowship with God and there cannot be blessedness and joy apart from Him.  Only our Creator can restore our fortunes and turn our misery into laughter.

The world needs to see God’s work in us

Putting forth a front of piety and self-righteousness removes the powerful working of God through our Savior Jesus Christ.  All the world sees in the hypocrisy of a flawed person pretending to be perfect.  Sin has a power of its own, but God is mightier still. Therein lies our joy.

A restored life exalts the God who works in us

When the joy of the LORD is your strength, your life exalts the great things God has done for you in redeeming your soul.  Be glad!  The restorative work of God floods the desert of our destitution with the water of His grace.  Once the water returns, the desert is no more.  The failings of the past that caused the misery must be set aside for the joy of our salvation.

Godly sorrow produces repentance

Abundance springs forth from the wasteland of our sinfulness when our tears of godly sorrow are watered by God’s grace.  Restoration is not the obligation of God, but is His favor.  He waters the ground and prepares it for the seed, but repentance precedes restoration.

Joyous singing on the way up to the Temple

Notice this psalm is a “Song of Ascent”.  Families walking together on the way “up” to Jerusalem for festivals and sacrifice would sing “songs of ascent”.  They knew what they had done … they knew who God is … they knew what HE had done.  With shouts of joy, they watched Him continue to work.


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