“Make Ready” – MARK 14:12-16



Even the smallest detail did not escape our God as the pieces fell into place for the most important events in human history.


As Jesus came into Jerusalem He rode on a colt that was obtained from one who was willing because God prepared him ahead of time for that task. Now, before the Passover that Jesus so greatly desired, the same thing has happened with obtaining a room for the meal. The disciples need not beg, rent or scrounge for the right place. God had prepared a man carrying a pitcher of water (14:13) to provide in that moment. When the disciples followed him, they encountered another man (14:14) whom God had prepared to provide the room.


All things were made ready for the Christ of God.


With little fanfare and almost an air of understatement, Mark tells us that the disciples went and found things just like Jesus said it would happen (14:16).


Trust led to action, action lead to discovery and discovery led to purpose (14:15).


When Jesus arrived in the upper room, the Passover would be waiting for Him. They did not quibble when Jesus told them the plan – they listened and they went. Jesus was worthy of their trust. Trusting and obedient, they were not at all surprised to discover events unfolding exactly as Jesus said they would, because Jesus fulfills His word.


Seeing things as Jesus described them, they carried out their purpose to prepare for Him, because Jesus was worthy of this honor.


While the cross and the resurrection, indeed, were the most important events in human history, there is a great day coming still. It is a day that Jesus longs for because He will come to bring all of God’s children home for eternity. That day is parallel to this Passover feast, and we are like the disciples.


What would have happened if the disciples never went into the city? Nothing. The man with the pitcher of water would have walked the same route, prepared, but none would follow him. When Jesus says “Go” people must go. The disciples could have told Jesus that all of this seemed far-fetched and quibbled with Him about the details or suggested a “better place” to eat. When Jesus says “Do”, people must do. Once the upper room was found the disciples could have marveled at the prescience of Jesus and gone to tell everyone what Jesus had done. When Jesus says “Make ready”, people must prepare.


Everyone had a role to play and none were more important than the other.


All things combined into a wonderfully orchestrated series of events to accomplish God’s purpose through people. The temptation is to find something different to do, or to become distracted from the task, or to fail to follow through with all of what Jesus commands. We may never fully see the part that we play in the unfolding event leading to the Second Coming.


Make no mistake, we know what we are to do and the time to make things ready is now!



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