“Division and Peace” – MARK 14:1-11



People are amazing.


It would seem that if you could take a poll and ask every person “Would you approve if the ‘supreme being’ took on human form and made it possible for all people to live in eternal peace?” the response would be an overwhelming “Yes!”


If nothing else, Scripture makes it clear that if Jesus was anything, He was a divider.


Not a divider in a malicious sense, but He forced people to chose (and still does). Even at the time of the Passover – a time for celebrating Yahweh’s deliverance – the Jewish leaders were plotting to kill Jesus (14:1). Their concern was merely political, not moral (13:2). In this passage we find ourselves in the characters if only we will look carefully.


Maybe you are like those men who plotted against Jesus during the Passover.


The things of this world get a little comfy and spiritual things threaten the world you live in. Whenever something of a spiritual nature threatens to infringe upon your life you react with swift resolve to snuff it out, even if you sense there might be some good in it. Your carefully constructed reality simply cannot be altered by allowing a greater role for God. It never dawns on you that all of the “joy’ of this world will never make up for the peace of the next life.


Maybe you are like Judas (14:10-1) – though I’m sure none will admit it.


We cannot admit to being the one who would actually BETRAY our Savior. No, “I’m not that guy” you tell yourself. You know, he’s the one that Jesus just did not live up to his expectations. You are caught between the church and the world and you have left yourself open. When the time for full commitment comes you balk, because Jesus has just not given you enough to pull you His way. Then something happens – like the “ridiculous” event with the woman “wasting” the ointment – and you are willing to let go and no longer walk with Jesus. In reality, you may not see it as an actual betrayal. You never account for the fact that your choices in this life will cost you your peace in the next life.


Maybe, just maybe, there is some of this “wasteful” woman in us (14:3-9).


Maybe we can be so bold that we give of ourselves to Jesus beyond what “makes sense” to others (14:4-5). The part of our self that we give to Jesus in way diminishes our ability to give to others (14:6-8), as opportunity will abound. However, there are just some special times when we need to give ourselves to our Savior for a brief moment and a fulfilling encounter. Like today, maybe.


Who knows, perhaps the “ointment” you pour out today will be spoken of in your time of peace in the next life (14:9).


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