JEREMIAH 32:1-44


When God Himself had foretold the siege and capitulation of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was His prophet. This land that was promised to the Hebrews as an inheritance was falling into the hands of the Babylonians. All would be left desolate, just as God said. What a strange time to acquire real estate.



The promise of restoration changes our outlook



Jeremiah shows such deep and abiding faith to do what God commanded in the face of so much evidence this was a bad move. Surely the deeds would be worthless and the land given to foreigners. Yet, Jeremiah believed God can see the beginning and the end, so he trusted and obeyed.



We can trust that joy is in the restoration



Jeremiah’s faith is well-placed, so he rejoiced. Sense the trust in the pronouncement that nothing is too difficult for the LORD God. The One who made the heavens can restore Jerusalem. The steadfast love of God guides His hand to make things work out for His children. Even in the face of utter destruction, Jeremiah believes God and purchases the land and records the deed. Not because it made good business sense, but because God is mighty in counsel and wondrous in His deeds.


As you face today, do you trust the tomorrow God has promised?



Discover … His Joy


Access … His Joy


hare … His Joy



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